
MoxyMedia Shows How Long-Tailed Domain Names Can Be Successfully Owned & Operated with Development

Filing for bankruptcy onlineMoxyMedia, the online media publishing company that gets over 15 million visitors monthly to its online properties, owns and operates web sites like, and 

They also own several popular niche domains like and that they’ve developed.  In addition to building out their category-killer names and their niche names, they also develop long-tailed domain names — domain names based on search phrases that only receive a couple hundred Exact Searches. 

While many might stay away from these types of longtailed names, others see opportunity, particularly in development.

One of MoxyMedia’s online properties is  A search phrase that according to Google AdWords Keyword Tool only received 210 exact searches last month.  But the website according to Compete, had over 9,000 unique visitors last month, and got as high as 11,000+ visitors in Jan. 2009. 

Most of its traffic comes directly from Google – with a 54.63% referral share.  Other websites that send the longtailed name traffic include and — two other online properties that MoxyMedia owns and operates as part of their ExpertHub network.  But the referral share from those two sites is less than 15% combined — Google Organic Search is definitely boosting traffic to this site.

Future with Longtailed Names?

There are lots of opportunities to still hand-register names, especially longtailed names.  Of course, development is key, but MoxyMedia has some great case studies for web development — from 101 niche domains, to dotorgs, to longtailed names — and most importantly, over 15 million visitors per month to their network of websites.