The Hallpassmedia website has been upgraded. Hallpassmedia runs a network of online gaming and animation sites for all ages that includes coolgames.com, girlgames.com, guygames.com, hallpass.com, juegosgratis.com, stickgames.com tacticsarena.com and wordgames.com. Those 8 websites alone, reach nearly 3 million gamers per month.
Those statistics don’t even count other great domains that are under development like Animation.com, Draw.com, FightGames.com, VirtualPets.com and more. Bill Karamouzio the CEO of HallpassMedia, made news when he purchased CookingGames.com for $350,000 and he’s continuing to build an amazing portfolio of casual game domains and sites.
Could there be more coming from the Hallpassmedia company site?
The newly renovated website is based more on a simple landing page, than its original model of company information and news. Will something bigger and better be unveiled soon?
‘Hall Pass’ Film in Production by Warner Brothers
As a side story, Bill Karamouzio also runs Hallpass.com – a gaming site with over 100,000 visitors per month. Warner Brothers is currently filming the movie Hall Pass, starring Owen Wilson so expect the traffic to climb to the website Hallpass.com if the film becomes a hit.
Warner Brothers registered the domain name HallpasstheMovie.com this past February. No website is online yet, but Hallpass.com should also enjoy search engine traffic as the site owns the top 2 spots in Google.