After weeks of back and forth between a Beta site and Coming Soon page, Kevin Ham and Tony Lam of Reinvent, have finally launched to the public. At the end of April, Kevin Ham took advantage of all the type in traffic by advertising among his network of domain names like
From there, a Beta site was accessible for a short time.
That all changed in June and early July as partnered with to catch subscribers.
If you had logged on to Twitter and visited @GoodNewsVan in the last couple weeks (the Twitter account for Kevin Ham’s Group Buying venture, announced that followers would get to take a sneak peek at the new web site which was expected to be launched this week.
Now, that the site is officially launched, you can expect it’s going to be successful as the potential for group buying websites in 2010 and beyond is enormous – especially partnered with geo websites and social media.
Traffic to the website has already climbed from under 2,000 unique visitors in March 2010 to over 45,000 visitors in May 2010 – demonstrating the power of Reinvent’s type in traffic and category killer domains.
What is aims to seamlessly connect local people, local businesses, and local organizations in a powerful way for a good cause. The company was conceived from our belief that being socially responsible and giving back to our community should be as easy as getting a great deal.
To accomplish this, we’re working with local businesses to put together amazing deals, and then pairing every deal with a meaningful local cause. A portion of the proceeds from each deal purchased goes directly to the cause. Now it’s easy for all of us (shoppers and businesses) to donate and contribute to our local community.
At, we’ve created a unique, socially-conscious shopping experience that people will want to share with family and friends. We believe that the more positive connections we make, the more our entire community benefits.
We hope to hear good news from our social shoppers, local businesses, and local causes so that our message spreads around the world, from city to city.