Have you ever taken a look at the portfolio of Mike Berkens over at Most Wanted Domains? It’s chock full of premium names and it’ll give you insight into what some of the Big Time Domainers purchase themselves.
In the most recent DNJournal Sales – Mike Berkens had 3 Sales in the Top 20: SeePuertoRico.com, Taboo.org, and YourDiscovery.com – all selling for $20,000 each. And those were only the sales that made the Top 20.
Mike not only brings years of experience in the Domain Industry, but he also writes a popular Domaining blog (http://www.thedomains.com/) which is also included in Google News Search. Mike is connected – with a complete business site, involved in Conferences, a Twitter account, a blog, and much more.
Gain an Insight
By taking a look at his portfolio over at Most Wanted Domains (http://www.mostwanteddomains.com/) you might be able to gain an insight into what names he purchases and sells. At a glance, you might even say to yourself, “I’d never register that name…”, but with Mike’s trackrecord over the years, he’s got a formula that works. You might even get encouraged about your own portfolio.
His names are truly interesting all over the board ranging from .MOBI names to Dotcoms to Typos and more. Names like Baptized.net, Awol.com, AmateurFights.com and thousands more.
Visit Most Wanted Domains and gain insight into one of the most prolific and successful Domainers on the Net.