
Like Some Domains, Social Media Vanity URLs can be unintentionally confusing like Twitter’s @BP

Twitter @ BPAlthough Bryan Pendleton (the grad student, tinkerer and hacker) registered the vanity URL with Twitter early on, he’s been the target of mistaken identity by people upset about the BP oil spill which continues to take a toll on the environment and economy.

The official Twitter page for BP is @BP_America, but that hasn’t stopped people from inadvertently sending angry messages to Bryan Pendleton. Bryan Pendleton, who even set up a Twitter list called @bp/i-m-bp-not-bp-america, has been retweeting messages received by angry Twitter users.

Here are some of the messages Bryan has retweeted in recent days:

“RT @CollardGreen: Dear @bp u f*d my life up. Now give me my $. I can’t fish or nothing. Must admit. Don’t need hair grease no more”

“RT @janraposa: @BP. You screwed up royally here, and you’re making me want to drop all my pounds… “

According to Bryan’s friends on twitter, the irony of the whole situation is that Bryan Pendleton is apparently one of the greenest people they know.