
For $1,400 you could’ve bought, but instead the owner sells for $37,000

SpeciesGreat Domains has announced the sale of  Over the years, the Endangered Species Fund of Canada operated a website on the domain that accepted donations to help protect endangered species like Amur Leopards, but wind the clock back to the late nineties and the owner of the big ticket domain, listed the domain for sale for just $1,400. 

Domain names back in the nineties at times sold for rockbottom prices – which many gawked at, while others like Rick Schwartz gladly paid.  Like Rick’s purchase of for $15,000 in 1997, which he later sold just three years later in 2000 for $1.3 million.

Depending on how much confidence you place on appraisals – the domain name is valued at $476,000 – which makes the domain name a steal at $37K ten years later when it was originally listed for under $2K.

News “World famous shoe brand” expires. Are domain renewals really that easy to forget?

In terms of exact volume, the keyword birkenstock is searched over 670,000 times per month. While birkenstocks is searched over 100,000 times per month globally.

It’s quite amazing to see the domain names that show up on the pre-release list each day, keeping in mind, that just because the domain name expires and sits in a pre-release status, doesn’t mean the owner can’t get it back in time before it deletes. 

Here’s another case where a great domain name has expired:  Obviously, this one is a little different.  While some domains expire after a company shuts down, Birkenstock is still in business and owns several domain names like and 

When you visit you can choose the country you want to visit.  Say for example, you want to buy Birkenstocks in the USA, you can jump to was originally owned by the company and at one time was a destination website for birkenstock sandals.  However, on April 4, 2010 that all changed when the domain expired.  As of today, the name is set for auction on NameJet on May 9, 2010 and currently only has five bids.

Dwight Schrute of The Office, wears Birkenstocks
According to Wikipedia, the Birkenstock brand traces its roots to a German by the name of Johann Adam Birkenstock. Birkenstock was registered in 1774 as a “subject and shoemaker” in local church archives. Then in 1967, shoes started being sold in the USA after American Margot Fraser “discovered” the Birkenstock sandals while on a holiday in Germany…

If you haven’t seen Birkenstocks lately, you’d probably recognize them on the TV Show The Office. As Wikipedia points out, Dwight Schrute keeps a spare pair of Birkenstocks in his car for special occasions. appraises the domain name at $277,000.  But this is a name you probably want to avoid. The word Birkenstock is trademarked.  And it’s probably only a matter of time before the company realizes the oversight.  Or, goes after the new owner at some point in the future.


Crazy Times: One company lets half a million dollars in GREAT domain names, expire

Computer Animation places the appraisal for at $41,000.

There aren’t many domain names that get appraised at $498,000 by that expire. 

But what’s really surprising, is that one company not only allowed (appraised at nearly 500K) to expire, but they also allowed another great domain name to expire: 

These two domains bring the total to over half a million dollars in dropped names.  And chances are, if these two domains are expiring, you’ll be seeing others from the same company:  A New Light Productions, Inc. based in Asheville, NC.

A New Light Productions, overlooks renewals
According the company’s profile: “A New Light Productions Inc is a private company categorized under and located in Asheville, NC. Our records show it was established in 1986* and incorporated in North Carolina*. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of $500,000 to $1 million and employs a staff of approximately 1 to 4.”

They did business on which expired on March 27, 2010 and now heads to auction at NameJet.

It’s insane to let these names go.  But the amount of great domains that are dropping appear to be on the rise, either through mistakes or just plain lack of interest.


Expired domains: there are a ton of great ones, made easy to find since others like to do the legwork

Shooting fish in a barrel
Drop-catching expired domain names, can sometimes be like shooting fish in a barrel

In case you haven’t looked lately at the aftermarket, the number of great domains expiring, seems to be on the rise. 

It doesn’t take a lot of time to find great expiring domains, when others have already done the legwork by placing pre-bids on domains days and weeks before the name even goes to auction.  It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Fortunately, for those of you who don’t have the time to search for expiring domains, there are plenty of bidders placing bids early, making it easy to spot great names receiving interest.  Alot of bidders know perfectly well how to win a domain without competing against other bidders: wait to place your bid.

Great names dropping all the time
The lists of expiring domains is a smorgasbord of keyword domains from product names to geo names and everything in between.  Names like (valuate Appraisal: $41,000), (Valuate Appraisal: $43,000) and (Valuate Appraisal: $17,000).

We do most of our shopping at NameJet and SnapNames when it comes to expiring domains.  He’s a shortlist of great domains getting ready to head to auction over at NameJet:

That’s just the shortlist of .coms.  The list of great keyword domains in .net and .org is even longer.


Billy Bob Fails to renew, a keyword with over 200K Exact Searches (.com, .net not developed) redirects to redirects to  But is up for auction at NameJet after dropping and in the right hands could be a powerful, fun website.  What would be the point of the website, is anyone’s guess but the search traffic is huge. 

The keyword redneck has a local search volume over 100,000 [exact], and globally, the keyword has a search volume over 200,000 [exact]. 

Not bad considering the term Redneck is generally considered offensive, but then, offensive terms get decent search volumes.  According to, the term “redneck” originated in reference to white agricultural workers, alluding to how the back of a person’s neck will be burned by the sun if he worked long hours outside.  According to Wikipedia, it’s similar in meaning to cracker [ is parked at Sedo], hillbilly [ is parked at] and white trash [ is an under construction website seeking models].

Creativity might be needed for this domain
The top Google search results for the keyword redneck are wikipedia and urbandictionary pages.  But even other sites that appear in the top 10 results get several thousand unique visitors per month. may seem like a silly domain to develop, but with a little creativity and imagination the site could be a fun destination, with some serious search traffic.

Unfortunately, it looks like the name might not go cheap.  At the time of this posting, the domain has over 47 bidders on NameJet. 

Over the years, had been developed and appears to have been owned by the same person since the late nineties.  The website  was the homepage of Billy Bobs Texas – the world’s BIGGEST Honky Tonk.  Text on the archived page reads:

“…er my little corner of the WEB thats jes fer RedNecks 😉

In case you have problems speaking redneck, just expired at GoDaddy on April 6, 2010. is deleted and available again.  But before you jump at these names, “redneck” domains haven’t fared too well in the aftermarket.  The highest reported redneck sale was in 2007 for $94.