If you’ve been watching Kevin Ham’s latest “Group Buying” venture in the past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed the landing page and beta site change a few times. While the site is in Beta, there’s a lot of see-sawing between launching the site to the public, in Beta, and posting a “Coming Soon” page while the site tries to attract more subscribers through Reinvent’s network of 400,000+ domain names like Pajamas.com, for example.

Despite being online the past few weeks across 400,000+ domains, GoodNews.com has only managed to get less than 250 subscribers. At the time of this story, 783 more Sign-ups are needed to activate the deal (however, by the time this story was published, the number suddenly changed to only 20 more sign ups).
Is it a glitch? Are people still unfamiliar with group buying?
Hard to tell, but if GoodNews.com is truly advertised across 400,000+ domain names, taking a couple weeks to get 1,000 sign ups would be seriously disappointing results.
But since the site is in beta, there’s a good chance a lot of the kinks are still being ironed out, including the numbers for the launch deal.