Even if you watch the domain sales over at Sedo and other sales reported on NameBio, it’s always interesting to see what sales Big Time Domainers like millionaire Eric Borgos, a domainer who’s done it all, ends up selling his names for. Eric might have sold internet properties in the millions, but he doesn’t hide the fact that several of his names sell in the $X,XXX and even lower.
I stacked up Eric’s most recent sales to Valuate.com (powered by Estibot 2.0) and Estibot 1.0 (head-to-head) and Valuate (in our opinion) did a better job of squaring up the sales based on the actual sales price.
While this might sound a bit confusing, Valuate is POWERED by Estibot’s 2.0 Beta Engine – so the results are different when Valuate’s appraisals are compared to Estibot’s 1.0 Engine that is currently public. So I thought looking at the varying appraisals would be worthwhile.
I’ve decided to provide a little more clarification to this story thanks to one of our readers; since the versions of the Appraisal engines are different when you use the current version of Valuate.com up against the current version of Estibot.com.
While Estibot 1.0 can certainly make you feel better about your names, you might not always find a buyer willing to pay their appraisal values. If you’re patient, it’ll pay off if you can land that buyer. And who’s to say, with the right end user, you might even get more…
Everyone has their own way of dealing with things. Some use Estibot’s 1.0 appraisal tool. Some use Valuate.com (which for clarification, is powered by Estibot’s 2.0 Engine that is currently available at http://beta.estibot.com/). Some even use fee-based appraisal sites (which we don’t recommend). Others use their own market research. And of course, there’s always your gut instinct.
But if you’re looking to make a sale that might attract more interest and close quicker, chances are the Valuate.com apraisal will fall more in line with market price — which ultimately is based on Estibot’s new BETA Appraisal engine. Looks like Estibot has made improvements to their appraisal engine in v2.0, so the prices look more realistic for those looking to liquidate.
Here’s How Eric’s Latest Sales Stacked Up Against Valuate and Estibot 1.0
CelebGossip.com – $5000
Valuate.com Price: $9,500
Estibot Price: $42,000
FixErrors.com – $2000
Valuate.com Price: $2,600
Estibot Price: $6,500
MoneyListings.com – $1100
Valuate.com Price: $1,100
Estibot Price: $890
BeautyExpert.com – $3750
Valuate.com Price: $4,700
Estibot Price: $4,000
ResourceHome.com – $1000
Valuate.com Price: $85
Estibot Price: $2,400
TowersCasino.com – $350
Valuate.com Price: $0
Estibot Price: $260
NYCStudent.com – $250
Valuate.com Price: $220
Estibot Price: USD reg fee
FindRates.com $5500
Valuate.com Price: $570
Estibot Price: $2,700
TeenDays.com – $250
Valuate.com Price: $2,000
Estibot Price: $670
AutoWizards.com – $750
Valuate.com Price: $160
Estibot Price: $40
SportsFishermen.com – $1000
Valuate.com Price: $460
Estibot Price: $250
OxymoronList.com – $2500
Valuate.com Price: $380
Estibot Price: $110
4Mags.com – $750
Valuate.com Price: $530
Estibot Price: $90
ParentSavings.com – $1000
Valuate.com Price: $170
Estibot Price: $1,100
BroadwayStage.com – $2000
Valuate.com Price: $1,900
Estibot Price: $3,700
WickedLingerie.com – $1000
Valuate.com Price: $1,100
Estibot Price: $7,000
CarInsuranceLeads.com – $1000
Valuate.com Price: $1,300
Estibot Price: $1,900
SecureDating.com – $2500
Valuate.com Price: $2,600
Estibot Price: $1,800
Other Related Tidbits
According to Eric, all the reported domains he sold he owned personally and most occurred after people looked up registrant information, then contacted him.
At the time of this posting, SecureDating.net and BroadwayStage.org are available for hand-registration. BroadwayStage.net is a Premium name for sale at GoDaddy listed for $1,888.