Who has the coolest video you’ll ever see? Those of you who remember the days of The Jetsons cartoon with robots and spaceships, will enjoy this video.
Diapers.com, the company that was founded in 2005 by Marc Lore and Vinit Bharara, was featured on TechCrunch earlier today – and the story talked up the company’s next big venture Soap.com – but with a twist, Robots. You see, the company uses a fully-automated warehouse where robots pick and pack products.
What a success Diapers.com has been, but not only because of the name, because of the great product and service the company provides. Earlier this year, Diapers.com was recognized for outstanding customer service and named “Elite” Online Retailer by STELLAService.
Sully’s Blog has some Q&A
Once again, Mike Sullivan conducted a great online interview with Matt Lindenberg, Associate Director of Marketing at Diapers.com and Yuriy Krivenko SEO Analyst. The interview goes into detail into the domain name Diapers.com, and helps illustrate the power of type-in traffc. According to Diapers.com, roughly half of all traffic to their website comes from type in traffic.
H/T: Bill