Domaining.com is the best website to get up-to-the-minute news and information from over 100 blog and website feeds in the Domain Industry.
Last year Steve Morales wrote a story titled “Is Your Blog Popular on Domaining.com? Content Kings Identified”. The story caused a stir in the comments thread when Steve listed his findings from the popular Domaining.com website – statistics that many didn’t know existed since they had been recently introduced.
Domaining.com Statistics: Six Months Later
Six months later from Steve’s initial story, and now with 132 feeds listed on Domaining.com, the website offers up some interesting data for those who are curious about reader’s preferences.
There is no smoke-and-mirrors approach in the data. Of course, some blogs have been listed longer than others, some shorter, some take out sponsored ads, some don’t…
For now, what you see is what you get, straight from the Domaining.com Preferences section.
Most Headlines for the past 30 days
Domain Name Wire 106 posts
Top Article Blogger (2 – 19 posts)
Rick Schwartz 12 posts 338 unique click average
Top Serial Blogger (20 or more)
DN Journal 27 posts 205 unique click average
Most Blocked Blogger
DomainGang.com blocked by 51 subscribers
Least Blocked Blogger
SullysBlog.com blocked by 1 subscriber