UPDATE: The final closing price was $10,000.
The domain name HongKongHotel.com has reached $5,000 in pre-bidding over at NameJet, with over 100 bidders. Estibot gives this name an appraisal of $75,000. The Global Monthly Search volume for this exact phrase last month topped 33,000. HongKongHotels.com has very few U.S. visitors per month according to DomainTools, but the search term “hong kong hotel” on Google search has nearly 10 pages of Sponsored Links, so with the right development, this could be a moneymaker.
This name will be fun to watch, and we will make sure to tweet the final sale price and update this post. If you want to place a pre-bid, backordering for this name ends at 11 PM PST tonight.
A little more background information can be found at Domain Tools. Apparently, the name was first registered in 1998 but was allowed to expire. And as many domainers have been pointing out, Bing is alot more domainer-friendly. If you type the search term in Google versus Bing, the results are very different. Depending on whether you type it with or without quotes, sites with the keyword phrase in their name, definitely appear higher in the search results. Below is a screenshot from the first page of Bing search results for the search term “Hong Kong Hotel”: