
Lucasfilm Entertainment files “Star Wars 1313” video game trademark [UPDATED]

UPDATE 1 May 31, 2012: Lucasarts has unveiled the Star Wars 1313 website (screenshot above). now re-directs visitors to  The official Facebook page can be found on While there is nothing more than an image on the home page, more will be revealed at E3.  But according to a video interview, the […]

Movies News

Domain registrations reveal Lucasfilm is working on “Star Wars 1313” project

UPDATE 2: May 6, 2012 @ 7:42 PM Est:. Star Wars 1313 now looks less likely related to a new film.  Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. has filed a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for “Star Wars 1313″.  The filing hints that a new video game will be released. ORIGINAL STORY:. […]

Featured News Video Games

Lucasfilm registers slew of domains for Star Wars Alliance, Bothan Spies, Order 67, Star Wars Rebels, many more

It was announced this week, that Electronic Arts and The Walt Disney Company signed a multi-year video game agreement which allows them to create Star Wars games. Now Lucasfilm, which was acquired by Disney last year, has registered a slew of new domain names that include titles like:  Star Wars Alliance, Star Wars Rebels, Star […]

News Trademarks Video Games

Star Wars: First Assault trademarks filed for “interactive video games” [UPDATED]

Last week, Lucasfilm (the parent company of LucasArts) secretly registered several “Star Wars: First Assault” domain names like  It was suspected that the names had something to do with a yet-to-be announced video game project. More information has surfaced in recent days in the way of two new trademark applications submitted to the United […]

News Video Games

Lucasfilm (parent of LucasArts) registers Ewok Village domain for unknown project

It’s not everyday that Lucasfilm registers a new domain name. The last time the company picked up anything of note was back in early May when the company registered eight domains related to Star Wars: 1313, which turned out to be a video game that is creating quite a buzz.  So, it may be worth […]