Ever since Stephen Douglas posted an article about 3D Domains as the next big trend for domain buyers and sellers, I’ve been more interested in learning about the space. Domain investors have also been having a number of online discussions about 3D domains over at DN Forum, Namepros and other forums.
I decided to take a quick look at the sales history of 3D domain names using one of the best resources for domain investors: DomainTools.com – Sales History.
Some of the top publicly reported sales took place in 2010, with the sale of 3Dtv.co.uk leading the charts, selling for $22,650 in March 2010. A web site is online and blog, run by a small team headed by the founder, Chris Conwell, who has been active on the web since 1995. Chris Conwell is a big-time domain investor and developer. According to the web site: ‘Chris also owns the popular gift ideas site Gadgets.co.uk and the domain name site Zycon.co.uk which has a portfolio of almost 8000 domains. He also owned one of the UK’s leading mobile phone sites, Mobiles.co.uk, until its recent sale to The Carphone Warehouse.’
3Dscience.com sold for $4,637 via Afternic in 2005. 3DScience.com is a website operated by Zygote Media Group, Inc. The company’s mission is: ‘to be the best scientific visualization content provider to professionals and consumers while leading the industry in innovative creative development, artistic quality and service.’
Web3D.com sold in 2009 on the aftermarket site NameJet. The price: $14,301. 3Dweb.com sold for $8,100 back in September via Sedo. And that was just the tip of the iceberg for Sedo.
In 2010, Sedo closed several four-figure deals:
3Dweb.net €3,000.00
3D-templates.com $2,789.00
3Dwebcam.com $2,500.00
3Dmovie.com €2,499.00
3D-video.com $2,488.00
3Ddvds.com $2,200.00
3D-animation.com €1,888.00
The list of sales goes on and on. At the time of this story, 3DPS3.com is in auction with a bid of $100. As Mike Berkens recently discussed on his blog The Domains, Sedo hasn’t done much to clean up trademark infringing auctions. Clearly, the auction for 3DPS3.com will draw attention – just this week Sony announced more than 50 3D-enabled games are in development for its PS3 platform.
If you have more information on 3D domain sales or tips on 3D domain names, please leave a comment below or use the Contact Us form.